
We're not looking for a specific GPA or test score. When we evaluate your application, we take into consideration many different factors.

We're not looking for a specific GPA or test score. When we evaluate your application, we take into consideration many different factors.

当我们读到你的申请时, we want to learn about your academic achievements and personal strengths. You can rest assured that at least two members of the admissions committee will carefully read and consider your application. Here are some of the things we’re paying attention to.


The strongest candidates for admission to GG电子官方软件下载 have taken:

  • 四年英语
  • 三年或三年以上的数学课程
  • 两年或两年以上的科学研究
  • Three or more years of social science


  • Three or more years of English (with a stress on writing)
  • Two years of algebra and a year of geometry
  • 两年的社会科学
  • 一年的实验室科学

Most GG电子官方软件下载 students go well beyond this minimum. The admissions committee is usually attracted to candidates who do honors or advanced placement work, 当可用的. We also expect students to take two or more years of a foreign or classical language, unless it is not offered at their school.

Students who take more courses in the subjects listed above are generally stronger candidates. But we may offer admission to an applicant of unusual ability and interest who has not taken all these courses. 当我们这样做的时候, it is on the basis of his or her school record, 标准化考试成绩, and recommendations of school officials.


GG电子官方软件下载 adopted a test-optional policy for first-year applicants applying for admission for entry in Fall 2024 and 2025. This means results of the SAT or the ACT are not required, but you may still submit them.

我们需要托福考试, 雅思考试, or DET (DuoLingo English Test) for students whose primary language of instruction (or first language) has not been English.

标准化考试的结果 帮助 the admissions committee judge candidates’ academic abilities. For applicants who elect to submit test scores, 他们将被全面审查, in the context of other application materials and indicators of academic ability and promise. For those unsure of whether to submit test scores, applicants are encouraged to consider if their standardized test scores represent their academic ability and potential.

如果你决定提交考试成绩, GG电子官方软件下载要求 SAT或ACT的全部成绩. We also require TOEFL or 雅思考试 for students whose primary language of instruction (or first language) has not been English.

对于提交分数的学生, the deadline for receipt of these test scores 2月1日 (适用于提前决定二的申请人) 3月1日 (适用于定期决定申请人).

重要的是: 学生可以 自我报告的SAT和ACT成绩 in lieu of sending an official score report from the testing agency.


In selecting each class, the admissions committee considers many qualities beyond academic promise. The committee asks questions such as: How active have you been in your school and community? Have you been involved in sports, student government, or your religious community? 你是一个会领导的人吗? 你有幽默感吗? 你能接受挑战吗?


我们认可艺术上的成就, and we encourage you to submit samples of your work for review by our faculty. You can share these samples through the Portfolio section of the 申请人状态页面 在你提交申请之后. We encourage athletes to fill out the 招募问卷 and to contact our coaches for more information.


Interviews give us an opportunity to chat with you more about your interest in GG电子官方软件下载. Interviews are completely optional, plenty of GG电子官方软件下载 students are admitted without an interview. 如果你是 对面试感兴趣, you should register for and attend either an in-person or virtual information session and/or campus tour, after which you can expect information via email on registering for an interview. 更多信息请访问我们的网站 访问页面.


是的,成绩很重要. So do the kinds of classes you’re taking in high school. But what happens in the classroom isn’t the whole story when it comes to college admissions. Selective colleges are also keen to see what you’ve been doing outside of the classroom. In fact, strong extracurriculars can make the difference between students with similar academics.


You don’t have to do dozens of activities just for the sake of participation. We can usually tell who’s just joining to fill 一份简历.

做什么 你爱

You'll shine if you pursue activities that you genuinely care about. Join existing organizations (or create them!)那场比赛 你的激情.


We know that leadership takes many forms: it's not just about the title. We look for students who will help shape our 社会的未来.


然而并不是每个人都有这些才能, we'll take notice if you've dedicated time to excel in sports or the arts (or 也许这两个!).

多样化是调味品 的生活

We're looking for little of everything. Avid jugglers, dedicated volunteers, and competitive chess players are 所有的欢迎.


Many students forgo school activities to take care of siblings, grandparents, and loved ones. 不要害怕和别人分享 您的文件.


Whether you’re helping to pay the bills, 赚些零花钱, or just really like making coffee: tell us about your 兼职工作!


Have you devoted your time to helping others? Tell us about your volunteer work and 公民参与.


We strive to admit students from a variety of cultural, 社会经济, 地理, 政治背景. 会如何 你的贡献?


上大学是为了成长. 寻找挑战. 成为更好的自己. 你准备好了吗? 为那?